Hey there! I've got lots to talk about today!
Today at work, I made a friend! Some new qr code generator, I dunno.
They seemed kind of frazzled, but that's kind of what to expect from new recruits.
So, that was something great that happened!
Other than that, I've been drawing tons!
Lots of collages of images. Sometimes I find a site that's for doodling, so I'll use that, too.
I wish I could look at more people's art. Everyone does it so easily, It comes so naturally.
I guess one upside to this situation is I can be someone else. I can draw a little avatar, and then that's me.
Cause' the old me isn't there anymore. It's like reinvention, I guess? maybe this is just my quarterlife crisis, LOL
I've also been binge watching petit tube videos. Most of that stuff is just random videos, but some of them are just... something else.
Ahah, well, that's all I've got for today! I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, so I'm gonna take a nap!